Monday, June 6, 2011

Techno Logy

Techno Logy Volta has invented a a way to improve the chip manufacturing process that will help cut the power usage of semiconductors by half, while maintaining their performance. The company plans to license the chip making process, according to the company’s CEO and President Bruce McWilliams. Lowering the power consumption of chips has become a rallying call for chip industry and SuVolta is also doing its bit so that battery-powered mobile devices.

Apple’s anti-piracy technology is based on a simple but ingenious idea. In movie theaters, they distribute special infrared waves for hearing aid devices. Apple’s new technology will enable the iPhone to detect those infrared signals and the iPhone will sense that you are in a movie theater. Now if you will try to record a scene from Kung Fu Panda 2 with your iPhone this weekend, it will automatically sense that you are in a movie theater trying to record, and will shut off the camera automatically. Another possibility with the same technology can be that the movie/snap you capture will be watermarked with the name of the movie.

The idea is to make something fairly small, but rugged so it would survive in the warzone environment,” Stone said. “The technology would allow a combat medic to pull someone off the field quickly and check them related research project at UVa will provide a more detailed look at the area of the brain where a traumatic injury is present, Stone said.Researchers are in the early stages of developing probes to determine at a cellular level whether someone has a traumatic brain injury, he said.

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