Saturday, July 30, 2011


CRI am on holiday myself, after enduring the delights of Charles de Gaulle airport, a delayed flight, Air France and seven hours over the Atlantic with two little cabbages. (Mr. Mommy en France is wisely joining us at a later date, so missed the excitement of travel with toddlers.) I'm thankfully now enjoying a much needed break from the office, from urban life and even from blogging and my adventures on line. I must confess, however, that I am addicted to work and to the online environment. I am not very good at "downtime", I never have been. So taking a vacation is always good, but also a little hard for me. I am often tempted to check my work messages or see how things are going in the blogosphere. Goodness, I'm even writing this post on holiday, while the little cabbages are off visiting a farm.

My life has been like this for a long time, so it's difficult to detach when away. My work life requires me to spend the majority of my time at a computer, while my phone allows me to keep up with tweets and emails and rss feed during my rare free moments between 9h00 and 18h00. In the evenings, once the little cabbages are sweetly tucked up into bed, I am often at my sewing machine and very often on my computer or iPad. Wednesdays and weekends are dedicated to the little cabbages and Mr. Mommy en France, so things are a bit slower, more family focused, but the digital hum is always there.

(The drama continues after the break)
And I seem to have created for myself far too much with which to keep up. I blog here, I keep a private family blog (more of an online photo journal for family and friends far and wide), I tweet, I use Google + and Facebook, I adore Pinterest and Stumbleupon, I use Flickr, I follow a range of people in all this channels. I even email still (how old school of me, I know). And I pretty much manage to do this for three: my personal and professional lives, plus my sewing and crafting life as Mommy en France.

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