Monday, July 11, 2011

Roman numerals

Roman numeralsJimmy Page will be launching a new website on July 14. The site,, currently features a sand hourglass and a link for subscription, as well as the number of days (in Roman numerals) until the launch of the site's full content on July 14. Because it's so cryptic, everyone's theorizing on what the hourglass and the roman numerals mean; last month, Page told Ultimate Classic Rock that his new site "will bring a few surprises to how thing[s] normally are." He added, "Once that's done, then I'm going to start working on some new music." The Led Zeppelin guitarist's last solo album, Outrider, was released in 1988.
After the jump, check out what the interwebz is saying about the site.

1. The astrological connection
The Morton Report suggests that the launch date may have something to do with 14 July being nine days until a full moon in Capricorn, drawing the connection between Page's birth date (9 January) and the trousers the guitarist wore during Led Zeppelin's 1973 tour (they were emblazoned with his astrology symbols: Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising).

2. The band connection

July 14 (UK time) was the last time the three surviving members of Led Zeppelin appeared together at the Live Aid show in Philadelphia. They performed for the first time since John Bonham's death in 1980. Uh, OK.

The Led Zeppelin star has yet to clarify whether his next musical project will be a collaboration or a solo effort. His last solo album, Outrider, was released in 1988.

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