Thursday, June 2, 2011

mitt romney

mitt romney With Mitt Romney officially entering the race for the Republican presidential nomination Thursday, expect to hear a lot more from the former Massachusetts governor on how the health-care legislation he signed in his state differs from that signed into law by President Obama for the nation. One approach Romney has used to try to distance his health-care law from the federal Affordable Care Act is to say that his legislation only had 70 pages compared with 2,700 pages for the Obama-signed law. The intended message is clear: his was a stream-lined, state-centric law.

while the federal law was a gargantuan monstrosity created by a power-grabbing federal government. Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post's The Fact Checker blog takes a look at Romney's claim about page-length and pretty much eviscerates it. As Kessler points out, the federal legislation Romney refers to actually contained much language that had nothing to do with health care because what passed was actually two bills, the Senate version and a so-called reconciliation bill. Kessler writes:

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