Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Your highness

It is obvious that the BN has sought the help of His Majesty. That means that the BN and its cronies are in a panic mode. They realised the obvious and fear a Middle East situation. Arresting political leaders crudely shows a lack of grace and low down mentality which only the BN is capable of.Whatever it may be and whoever had a hand in drafting the king's message, we the rakyat must give respect to the king. We cannot expect the king to plead for the BN morons. But by denying that respect, we bring about the downfall of the monarchial system, which is bad for the rakyatThe ideal solution would be a police-monitored silent march to the palace and the delivery of Bersih's appeals to His Majesty. The other parties, Umno and Perkasa, should stay out.

Jazz Singer: At least the king has expressed (or made to express) a near neutral stance in this episode, unlike some sycophantic sultan and a chief minister who are blind to the principles of the movementRoyalty should be elegantly diplomatic in politically-motivated matters, like what the Thai king has done. These multiple rulers of our country should have made a consensus statement urging restraint rather than each one making self-serving jingoistic remarks.Nobody in their right mind can deny or refute the principles of Bersih 2.0 (except the government and its croniesQuigonbond: I'm not sure if the Agong's statement is fair. The Agong should be aware that BN is a political party in power and is not the government per se. The electoral process must have integrity so that people's choice is accurately reflected in the ballot box.

The BN government, in going against Bersih, is admitting that it does not wish to conduct a free and fair election. In light of this, the Agong, in saying that demonstrations are not our way and that they bring more harm than good, is rather disappointingAbout the only concession is that the Agong said the government should do everything that it is entrusted. But what does that meanBN can simply read that this means they get to enforce the law and continue their reign of terror. Or will Najib actually suck it up and provide a timeline to consider the serious issues of electoral fraud and implement reforms?

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